Mysore-style self-practice is awesome! But you might be scared to try it. DON’T BE!! I will take care of you! It’s for all levels. Complete beginners absolutely welcome! Come! You will learn the ashtanga system at a manageable pace. After a couple weeks you will know the basics and have it for the rest of your life. You can take it with you wherever you go.
Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga Starter Programme
a 5 day course
tue 19 – mon 25 april 2016
7.00am – 8.00am
triyoga chelsea
This course is held on five consecutive mornings within the Self-Practice environment. The practice builds day-by-day, introducing you to the fundamental elements and poses (asanas) of Ashtanga Yoga, sequencing, healthy alignment and breath techniques (ujjayi).
This course creates a strong and safe foundation from which you can confidently join Ashtanga Self-Practice or any of our level one or open level classes. A basic level of fitness is helpful when starting Ashtanga Yoga.
If you have ever wanted to start this empowering way to practice yoga do not miss this opportunity to be guided, safely and intelligently, into the Mysore style. Make a commitment to regular practice. Take responsibility for your development. Enjoy the rapid transformation that happens when you move and breath at your own pace, supported by the energy, focus and dedication of your fellow classmates.