This support group is a valuable resource for individuals looking for like-minded people committed to living a more conscious life. Our sessions are an opportunity to take time out of daily life, slow down and to utilise the setting to see yourself and your life from a very different perspective.
We look to be present with each other in each moment, exploring our thoughts and feelings. The invitation is simply to come as you are. It’s an opportunity to discard the usual daily chatter and social conventions, and see what remains. We share life’s difficulties, insights and achievements. Nothing is forced and each session flows naturally from what individuals choose to share on the day. You can be yourself without pretence. You can laugh or cry without feeling embarrassed.
The sessions are facilitated by members who have been participating in this group for over a decade. We hold a safe space, caring for each other while at the same time daring to look into the uncomfortable parts of ourselves in order shed new light on patterns of behaviour that keep us stuck in our lives.
You need not be familiar with any spiritual philosophies. All that is required is an open heart and an open mind to explore your life in each moment.
First time visitors are welcome.
Thursday evenings
Belsize Park, NW3
It is free
email for details